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Witness allows the user to specify a yaml file for persisting the command line flags to be set whenever Witness is invoked. Any values in the configuration file will be overridden by the command line flags set on command invocation.

By default, Witness will look for the configuration file in the .witness.yaml path in the directory from wihch Witness is invoked. The user can specify a different path using the --config flag.

The schema of the configuration file mirrors the names of the command line flags. For example, the --attestations flag for the run command is set in the configuration file as run.attestations. The --spiffe-socket flag for the sign command is set in the configuration file as sign.spiffe-socket. The full schema is listed below:

attestations: stringSlice
certificate: string
intermediates: stringSlice
key: string
outfile: string
rekor-server: string
spiffe-socket: string
step: string
trace: bool
workingdir: string
certificate: string
datatype: string
intermediates: stringSlice
key: string
outfile: string
spiffe-socket: string
artifactfile: string
artifacthash: string
attestations: stringSlice
publickey: string
policy: string